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Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy
Last Updated: 10/07/2024


​Age Concern Twyford and District is committed to safeguarding older people from abuse. 

The key points in this Policy and that of Age Concern Twyford and District Age are as follows:


. the needs and interests of adults at risk are always respected and upheld.

. the human rights of adults at risk are respected and upheld.

. all decisions and actions are taken in line with the Mental Capacity Act.


Each adult at risks maintains:

. choice and control

. safety

. health

. quality of life

. dignity and respect

The organisation has a duty to adults at risk are cared for and supported free from abuse, harassment, violence or aggression.


The aims of safeguarding adults Policy


. To stop abuse or neglect wherever possible

.   Prevent harm and reduce risk of abuse.

. Safeguard adults in away that supports them in making choices and having control about       how they want to live.

. Raise awareness to identify and preventing abuse and neglect.

. Provide information and support to help people understand the different types of abuse, how to stay safe and what to do to raise a concern about the safety or wellbeing of an adult.


 All safeguarding work with adults should be based on the following principles.


. Every person has a right to live a life free from abuse, neglect, and fear.

. Safeguarding adults is everyone’s business and responsibilities.

. All reports of abuse will be treated seriously.

. There is zero tolerance to the abuse of adults.

.  Every person should be able to access information about how to gain safety from abuse and violence and neglect.

. All adult safeguarding work aims to prevent abuse from taking place, and to make enquiries quickly and effectively and take appropriate action where abuse is taking place or is suspected.



We all have the right to live free from abuse of any kind.  Our age or circumstances should have no bearing or effect on this basic right.


Abuse can take many forms, including financial, neglect, physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, discriminator or institutional.  (Institutional abuse is repeated instances of poor care of individuals or groups of individuals).


Service users should be able to take decisions with appropriate support and information, including some risks, whilst being free from abuse and harm.


In circumstances where elder abuse is suspected the Day Centre Manager will make a referral to Social Services.


If the person who may be experiencing abuse feels that they require independent support to help them through the process and to ensure that their wishes are heard and acted upon, they will be directed to a local advocacy service who may have an independent advocate to support them.


Whistle blowing is the reporting of serious work-related concerns by staff, when they have found it impossible to do this through the normal line management routes.  If any member of staff has serious work-related concerns and are concerned about victimisation or losing their job, they should consult: Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Department, W.B.C., Shute End, WOKINGHAM, Berks.  RG40 1BN.


This policy deals with the alert stage (Level 1) of Safeguarding as follows:


  1. Recognise that there may be incidents of abuse and look for and record evidence if possible (photos or notes).

  2. Reassure the person who is suffering abuse – calm them down and let them know some action will be taken.

  3. Respond to the person with empathy and help where possible, but do not get involved.

  4. Report the allegations/suspicions to the authorities.

  5. Record it by making notes of evidence and who the incident has been reported to.



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