Local Giving allow you to make a one-off gift or set up a regular payment to Age Concern Twyford & District.

Support Our Work
The day centre provides a valuable service to the elderly community. You can support us by volunteering or donating to our charity.​
We always welcome and value the support of all of our volunteers from fundraising activities to practical help at the Centre.
If you would like to get involved, either to assist with activities, help in the kitchen at lunchtime or drive our members on a regular or occasional basis, we would like to hear from you! Our volunteer drivers are refunded mileage costs.
I really enjoy volunteering at the centre. There are lots of stories to share and laugh over, but also quieter moments of reflection that are really important. When I first started 5 years ago, I was afraid I would get it all wrong because I hadn’t spent any time in an elderly care environment, or had much awareness of dementia, but Debs reassured me that all I needed was empathy and now I don’t know why I worried. I like to think I might help in a small way to encourage a member to want to come out for the day. Kerry, Volunteer
We welcome donations to support our community work.
£40 will go towards a new Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle to assist with transport
£20 will cover the cost of a meal
£15 will subsidise a member's session to keep our day fees affordable
£5 will help bring a member to our Centre
There are several ways you can donate:
Local Giving allow you to make a one-off gift or set up a regular payment to Age Concern Twyford & District.
Choose from over 3,500 online stores which ones will make a small donation to our charity whenever you shop with them. At no cost to you!

A gift in your will
Thank you for considering leaving a gift to Age Concern Twyford & District in your Will. Please call us on 0118 9344040 for advice or just to let us know your intention.